What is the scope of autonomy of HEIs to make changes in curricula and other characteristic elements of a degree programme, referred to in paragraphs 75th to 80th of Decree-Law No. 74/2006, as amended by Decree-Law No. 107/2008, of June 25? How to proceed with the "registration" and "publication" of these changes, as referred to in paragraphs 77 and 80 of the same law?

1) As established in Title VI - Changes - paragraphs 75th, 76th, 77th and 80th of Decree-Law No. 74/2006, and amended by Decree No. 107/2008 of June 25, the approval of changes in curricula and other elements that determine a degree programme, "which do not alter their goals" (which do not alter the curricular structure, the scientific nature, or the name of the programme when this is an essential element for  its characterisation) is up to the statutorily competent bodies of the HEI (in public higher education institutions, the rector or president, after consulting the scientific or technical-scientific council and the pedagogical council; in private higher education institutions, the founding body, after consulting the rector, president or director, the scientific or technical-scientific council and the pedagogical council).

2) Once approved by the statutorily competent bodies of the HEI, the implementation of the amendments is subject to "prior notice" to the Directorate General of Higher Education and to publication in the 2nd series of the Official Journal.