Normative Framework

The procedures for the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes comply with the following normative framework:

A3ES Regulation 392/2013, published in the DR, 2nd series, October 16th, 2013, which approves the regime governing the procedures for assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

A3ES Regulation 764/2010, published in the DR, 2nd series, 11th July, 2023, which updates the regime governing the organisation and functioning of the Appeals Council, as well as the regime governing procedures for lodging appeals against decisions relating to assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

A3ES Decision 925/2018, published in the DR, 2nd series, 17th August, 2018, which updates the fees for assessment and accreditation procedures.

A3ES Decision 158/2015, published in the DR, 2nd series, 6th February, 2015 which establishes the special procedure for accreditation renewal for study programmes with previous accreditation or non-aligned with the regular accreditation cycle.

A3ES Decision 2392/2013, published in the DR, 2nd series, 26th December, 2013, which defines the when modifying elements characterizing a study cycle implies modifying the objectives of the latter.

A3ES Decision 1019/2013, published in the DR, 2nd series, 3rd May, 2013, which establishes the deadlines for the submission of requests for prior accreditation of new study programmes and of self-assessment reports of study programmes in operation.

A3ES Resolution 53/2012, published in the DR, 2nd series, 19th December, 2012, which establishes the effects of the non-accreditation of study programmes in operation.

The above mentioned normative framework is delimited by a set of legal diplomas, including:

  • Law 38/2007, 16th August, which defines the general principles to be adopted in the procedures of quality assurance of higher education.
  • Decree-Law 74/2006, 24th March, amended and republished by Decree-Law 65/2018, 16th August, which establishes the conditions for accreditation of study programmes.
  • Law 62/2007, 10th September, which establishes the legal regime of institutions higher education institutions and contains norms relating to its teaching staff.
  • Decree-Law 369/2007, 5th November, which creates the A3ES and approves its statutes.