Order Committee for Distance Learning

ORDER 1/2021

1. Following the publication of the Legal Regime for Distance Learning in Higher Education, a committee was created by A3ES to support the Management Board in the assessment and accreditation procedures of these study programmes.

2. The functions assigned to the committee, explained in a previous Order, are maintained and cover the following aspects:
(a) to support the A3ES Management Board in matters relating to distance learning;
(b) to assess the applications for accreditation of study programmes in articulation, whenever necessary, with the specific External Assessment Teams of the different scientific areas.
(c) to propose the revision of the guides applicable to study programmes taught at a distance whenever necessary.
(d) other powers that the Management Board decides to delegate.
3. It was necessary to adjust the compositions of the committee, which will now include the following personalities:

• Professor Fernando Manuel dos Santos Ramos, Universidade de Aveiro;
• Professora Diogo Casa Nova, Vice-Chancellor of Universidade Aberta;
• Professor José Manuel MarCns Ferreira, Universidade do Porto;
• Professor Jorge Rodrigues da Costa, ISCTE-IUL (in represenCon of CRUP);
• Professora Rita Cadima, I. S. Politécnico de Leiria (in represenCon of CCISP);
• Professor Armando Jorge Carvalho, U. Portucalense (in represenCon of APESP);
• Doutora Neuza Sofia Guerreiro Pedro, I. Educação - Universidade de Lisboa;
• Doutora Paula Peres Teixeira Almeida, InsCtuto Politécnico do Porto.
4. The presidency of the commiKee is hereby delegated by the A3ES Management Board to Professor Fernando Manuel dos Santos Ramos.

Lisbon, 21 January 2021
The President of the Management Board
João Guerreiro

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